1 .. Atlantis is a legendary lost continent, still being searched
by so many scientists and explorers around the world. The existence of the land was first known from the books Critias
and Timaeus, which were written by Plato, a Greek philosopher.
It was told that the Atlanteans had been able to build dams around the city so
as to prevent the sea water from entering their city. They had been able to build sun pyramids (the same with Egyptian
pyramids) and use crystals as a medium to store energy and memory as well.
Atlantis was a really advanced civilisation, but some experts say that it
is probably no more than just a mere legend.
Want to know more about Atlantis ? Click here.
2 .. the Nazca Lines is the name given to
the big drawings found on the ground in the hot hazy desert of Southwest Peru. One
line is 65 kilometres long! They were unfound, until a commercial plane flew above them in 1920s. These lines figure
animals and geometric shapes, and predicted to have been built by the Peruvian Nazcans between 300 BC and 800 AD.
The weird thing is that one of these lines figures an astronaut
and not so far from there, there was also found a figure shaping a runway. Some people then predicted that the runway
could be a runway for alien spaceships and the astronaut itself should figure an alien. On the other word, it is predicted
that the Ancient Nazcans could have made contact with Aliens !
See the Nazca Lines here.
3 .. Darwin's evolution theory is about to
collapse. Many scientists have proven that Darwins evolution theory is actually wrong and no more a truth. Many campaigns
are launched all around the world to counter Darwins theory and to bring the world the real truth about the
origins of life.
Find out about the Fallacy of Darwin's theory here.
4. .. The Ancient Egyptians, just like the modern Arabians, didn't write any vocal letters on their
written language. On their books, the Ancient Egyptians only wrote the consonants and left the vocals out.
Click here to learn how to speak Ancient Egyptian.
5 .. Modern English language was originated from the German language. There are 5
father languages of Europe : Latin, Germanic, Slav, Celtic, and Uralic, from which most european languages
come from. English itself is of the Germanic origin.
History told us that the Anglo-Saxons, a tribe from Germany, came to England in the 5th century AD. This tribe occupied
England and widespread its influence. They named the new land in which they settled as Anglo-Land, which later became
Engollond, and finally England.
The Ancient English language which actually was of Germanic origin was then isolated. During the isolation period,
it became influenced by Latin (when the Romans conquered England), Norman French (when the Normans occupied
England), and Scandinavian. Through the time, the language became more simple and much more simple, and finally it becomes
what is known by us now as Modern English.
How did Ancient English people speak their language ? Observe it here.