Arief Online

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Poems & Poetries
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3D Max Works
say it in German!
say it in Dutch!
say it in French!
say it in Persian!
say it in Indonesian!
Learn World Languages!
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1998   Head of Al-Azhar Jun. High School’s Muslim Students Association

1998   Founder & Head of Al-Azhar Jun. High School’s Islamic Study Club

2002   President of SMUN-78’s B6 Science Class

2003-2005   Vice President of ITB’s 2003 Architecture Class

2004   Chief of ITB’s Students Food Court Gelap Nyawang Rejuvenation


2005   Chief of Consumption Affair in the Dies Natalis of ITB’s

           Archtecture Students Association

2006   Assistant Translator in ARTEPOLIS, ITB’s International

           Symposium on Urban Culture, inviting participants from Europe,

           the USA, Japan, and several Southeast Asian countries

2006-2007   President of ITB’s 2003 Architecture Class

2006-2007   Member of the International Tsunami Research Team,

                     established by ITB Indonesia & FH Erfurt Germany,

                     undertaking research on Pancer -a Tsunami affected area in East

                     Java, Indonesia- for one year.

2006-2007   Chief of Digital Copyright Protection Affair of Monokrom





Junior High School Period

1998   1st Champion of ‘Hari Kartini’ Speech Contest,

           held by Al-Azhar Junior High School, Bumi Serpong Damai, Banten

1999   1st Hon. Mention of Whole Tangerang City’s Hari Bahasa

           (Language Day) Writing Contest, held by Al-Azhar Jun. High School,

           BSD City, Banten

2000   2nd Champion of Whole Jabotabek’s (Jakarta & its satellite cities)

           Students English Debate Competition, held by Pembangunan Jaya

           Sen. High School, Bintaro, Banten

2000   3rd Champion of Whole Tangerang’s Giant Crossword Contest,

           held by BSD City, Banten


Senior High School Period

2001   1st Hon. Mention of Whole Jakarta’s Remaja & Narkoba (Youth

           & Illegal Drugs) Speech Contest, held by Jakarta Prov. Government

2001   1st Champion & Best Speaker Award in Whole Jakarta’s 

           Students Political Debate Competition, held by the Faculty of Social

           & Political Sciences of University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java

2001   3rd Champion of Whole DKI Jakarta’s Hari Habitat Dunia 

           (World’s Habitat Day) Writing Contest, held by the Department of

           Settlement & Region Facility of Republic of Indonesia

 2002   2nd Champion of Whole Java’s Students Political Debate           

           Competition, held by the Faculty of Social & Political Sciences of  

           University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java

2002   1st Champion of Whole SMUN-78’s Students Debate Competition,

           held by SMUN-78, West Jakarta


College Period

2006    1st Hon. Mention of Disney Lantern Fest’s Photography    

            Competition, Bandung, West Java

2006    The Best 50 of ITB Grand Art Fest’s Photography Competition

2007    Winner of the International Tsunami Research Competition, whose

            research work was selected to be presented in the International

            Science Symposium The Rehabilitation & Development of Tsunami

            Affected Areas in Erfurt, Germany

2007   The Writer of Monokrom, an indies' poems & poetries compilation

           book, launched in Bandung, West Java




Motivated by my in-depth interest in linguitics, up to now I have learned and observed up to 41 world languages from different continents. As with each language, I have different level of proficienct. The four languages that I master most are:


1. British English, American English, and Classical English

    Proficiency: Excellent, written and spoken

    Attestation of proficiency:

    2002   The International TOEFL Certification (test held in Menara

                Imperium Jakarta), score: 243 on computer-based scale (equal to

                593 on paper-based scale)

    2007   Local & Institutional TOEFL Certification (test held by EEP,

               Bandung), score: 600 on paper-based scale


2. German 

    Proficiency: Very good, written and spoken

    Attestation of proficiency:

    No international German certification test has been taken, but

    a placement test in Goethe Institute revealed that my level was

    Mittelstufe (Intermediate), ready to enter the Oberstufe (Advanced). 

    Once I also took a private German course with a Goethe Institute's

    teacher for preparation for the ZMP (International German Intermediate

    Level Certification Test), but was discontinued due to conflict with studying

    time at the college.  


3. Dutch
    Proficiency: Good, written and spoken
    Attestation of proficiency:
    No international Dutch certification test has yet been taken. 


4. French
    Proficiency: Sufficient, written and spoken
    Attestation of proficiency:
    No international French certification test has yet been taken. 


The other 37 languages that I have learned are: 
Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Mongolian, Tagalog, Rotoka, Sanskrit, Hindi, Farsi, Turkish, Arabic, Hebrew (Asian languages), Kiswahili (African language), Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Euskara, Afrikaans, Yiddish, Bavarian, Irish, Gaelic, Swedish, Finnish, Russian (European languages), Cherokee, Navajo, Nahuatl (Native American languages), Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Akkadian (Extinct languages), Volapuk, Quenyan, Sindarin, Minhyan, and Esperanto (Artificial languages).




1995   Vacation for 5 days in Perth, Australia

1995   Vacation for 2 days in Singapore

2001   Homestay & English course programme for 16 days in Sydney and

           Canberra, Australia

2006   Vacation for 4 days in Singapore

2006   Vacation for 3 days in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2007   Presenter in the International Science Symposium Rehabilitation and

           Development of Tsunami Affected Areas from 27th January to

           2nd February in Erfurt, Germany

2007   Vacation for 4 days in Singapore

2009   Vacation for 5 days in Beijing and surroundig areas, China

2009   Umrah (minor Islamic pilgrimage) for 6 days to Jeddah, Mecca

           and Medina (Saudi Arabia), followed by vacation for 4 days

           in Istanbul, Turkey, and vacation for 2 days in Bangkok, Thailand.




Mastered Programmes:

OS:  English & German Win XP, English Win 98/95, English & German Linux

         Mandrake, Linux Xandros

Office:  English &  German Microsoft Office*), Visio, and Open Office

Prog. languages:  DOS/Batch prog.language, BASIC, Q-BASIC, and

                              HTML prog.language

Drawing & Modelling:  AutoCad, SIACad, IntelliCad, SketchUp, 3d

                                       Studio Max, 3d Viz, Vue, Adobe Photoshop, and

                                       Corel Draw

*) German and English Microsoft Office applications (e.g. Microsoft Excel) operate under different commands.




1993-2001  English Language Course with Native Speakers in ILP           

                    Pancoran, South Jakarta

1998-2001  English Language Course with Native Speakers in UET 

                    Tangerang, Banten

1997  Dos, Wordstar 7, Lotus 123 + Wysiwyg, and Dbase 3 Course

          in IQRO, BSD City, Banten.

2003  AutoCad 2000, Corel Draw 11, and  3d Studio Viz Privat Course

          in Bandung, West Java

2005  Stock Market Technical Analysis Training in Bina Insan, Jakarta

2009  Certified Property Business Specialist Course in Indonesian

          Property Watch, Jakarta